
Are you a Chicago-based early-career or aspiring professional playwright? Have you ever wanted to see your plays performed on stage by leading local professional actors? Do you respond well to deadlines? PlayGround is seeking applications for the inaugural PlayGround-Chicago Writers Pool. Only members of the Writers Pool are invited to submit for the Monday Night PlayGround short play staged reading series, from which each year’s Best of PlayGround are selected. PlayGround releases a prompt on a Friday morning and writers have just four-and-a-half days to write an original ten-minute play inspired by the prompt. Of the submitted scripts, 6 get chosen for a fully-staged, partly-teched, script-in-hand reading led by leading local directors and actors, on first Mondays, November-April**. Writers not chosen in any given month can participate in PlayGround Recess, with the opportunity to hear their work read aloud by professional actors and receive peer feedback in a private setting. ** The first Monday Night PlayGround will be Monday, October 31, 2022. The PlayGround Writers Pool has featured some of the nation’s most distinguished new writers of the past two decades, including Lauren Yee, Christopher Chen, Aaron Loeb, Samantha Chanse, Vincent Terrell Durham, and Marisela Trevino Orta, among others. For complete guidelines and to apply online, visit