League of Chicago Theatres Access Calendar
The League of Chicago Theatres is committed to working with Chicago area theatres to make live theatre accessible to everyone. Our calendar enables patrons with disabilities to look for upcoming performances based on their specific access requirements. The calendar includes Touch Tours (TT), ASL-Interpreted (ASL), Audio-Described (AD), Open-Captioned (OC) and Autism-Friendly (AUT) performances.
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, As Amended
The link above goes to a general page that includes links to all sections, including:
Subchapter I – Employment [Title I]
Subchapter II – Public Services [Title II]
Subchapter III – Public Accommodations and Services by Private Entities [Title III]
Subchapter IV – Miscellaneous Provisions [Title V]
ADA Design Standards
The ADA Standards for Accessible Design—along with the Title II and Title III regulations—say what is required for a building or facility to be physically accessible to people with disabilities.
The ADA Standards for Accessible Design (“ADA Standards”) cover:
- Newly constructed buildings and facilities;
- Alterations—such as, renovations and other changes that affect usability—made to buildings and facilities;
- Making architectural changes in existing state and local government buildings to provide “program access”; and
- Removing architectural barriers that are easily accomplishable without much difficulty or expense in existing buildings of businesses.
American Printing House
Since 1858, The American Printing House for the Blind has operated in Louisville, Kentucky as the world’s largest nonprofit organization creating accessible learning experiences through educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are blind and visually impaired.
Home Page
Resources Page
Arts Midwest Accessibility Center
This page holds resources designed to help arts and cultural organizations in making programming, services, and communications more accessible.
Chicago Cultural Accessibility Consortium
Interested in offering accessibility services for people with disabilities at your theatre but don’t know where to start? The Chicago Cultural Accessibility Consortium has a number of resources available to help your company including an accessible event calendar, equipment loans and events. Download the CCAC Resource document to get started.
Easy Access Chicago
What You’ll Find On This Site
- Information for Visitors and Residents with A Wide Range of Disabilities, as well as for Older Travelers
- Detailed Access Reports for Over 100 Attractions
- Access Information on Midway and O’Hare Airports
- Listings of Accessible Tours of All Types
- A Guide to Local Accessible Transportation, Public and Private
- Chicago Insider Tips to Help You Make the Most of Your Stay
- A Guide to Adapted Sports and Recreation
- Tips and Resources for Families
- A Database of Accessible Hotels and Restaurants Searchable by Specific Access Features, Location and Price
- Listings of Key Disability-Related Services and Resources
- General Tips for Hassle-Free Travel
Great Lakes ADA Center
The Great Lakes ADA Center’s mission is to increase awareness and knowledge with the ultimate goal of achieving voluntary compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This is accomplished within targeted audiences through provision of customized training, expert assistance, and dissemination of information developed by various sources, including the federal agencies responsible for enforcement of the ADA. We are not an enforcement or regulatory agency, but a helpful resource supporting the ADA’s mission to “make it possible for everyone with a disability to live a life of freedom and equality.”
Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD)
As an integral part of the Kennedy Center’s Access/VSA International Network, the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) program advances the full inclusion of people with disabilities in arts and culture. With a focus on expanding the breadth and scope of accessible programming, LEAD provides an opportunity for professionals in the field to develop best practices and resources; engage in conversations with colleagues and experts from around the world; and learn practical methods for designing inclusive arts experiences and environments.
Learn More About the LEAD Program & Conference Here
Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) works to make Chicago the most accessible city in the nation on behalf of residents and visitors with disabilities.
US Access Board’s Guide to ADA Accessibility Standards
This guide explains requirements in the current editions of the ADA Standards issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Transportation (DOT). It was developed by the U.S. Access Board in cooperation with DOJ and DOT. It is important to use this guide along with a complete copy of the ADA Standards.