Arts and Business Council of Chicago Learning Lab:
Rebooting Your Strategic Plan
Monday, May 11, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
The COVID-19 crisis has taken a huge toll on nonprofit arts, cultural, and creative organizations. Many have faced canceled programs, staff reductions, and financial loss; and have been forced to put their strategic plans to the side. Although we don’t know when or if our organizations will operate in the way they used to, this webinar will outline tools to help organizations reboot their strategic plans in a way that is responsive to our new environment and find pathways to move forward.
In this webinar we will discuss:
• Clarifying your commitments to your: organization, audiences, donors, and community constituents.
• Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on your organization.
• Generating ideas to address the most important gaps you now face.
• Identifying new opportunities in your business and artistic production with the changed world we now live in.
• Embracing an iterative mindset to reboot your strategic plan while the world continues to evolve.
Presenter: Cris Beilstein / Elevation Collaborative
Registration: Pay-What-You-Can
All dollars earned from this Learning Lab will go directly toward our efforts to creatively and accessibly provide support and lend expertise to nonprofit organizations during the COVID-19 crisis.