Please join us this September 7th at 10:30AM at Foster Beach for the 5th annual celebration of our community. We will begin with the opening ceremony at the Memorial TeePee, then ride our bikes on the amazing Chicago lakefront followed by a lovely Community Pot Luck & BBQ. We are Chicago Theater artists, taking care of ourselves and celebrating our community.
The 12 mile ride will start at Foster Beach Park at Foster and Lake Michigan and we will step off at 10:30am. We will ride north on the lakefront trail to Kathy Osterman Beach and then south to North Avenue Beach and back to Foster Beach. A brief ceremony of remembrance will precede the ride and a celebratory BBQ and pot luck will follow.
The mission of The Chicago Theater Bike Ride is to provide support to members of the arts community who are struggling after the death of a loved one, or a major catastrophe that has impacted them financially. We strive to help people as quickly as possible so that, in an emergency situation, they know they can turn to the Chicago Theater Bike Ride for immediate assistance.
If you know of someone who needs assistance for a sudden and catastrophic event please contact us at
The Fund exists solely by the generosity of our community of theater artists, our theaters, generous donors and our loyal riders.
For more information and to register click here.